Our Valued Partners
At Yayra Glover limited, we are of the belief that considering the unique cocoa cluster of Ghana, cross-sector partnership is crucial for the achievement of our Vision, Mission, and Objectives.
Consequently, in order to stay true to our vision, mission and objective, we developed effective partnerships and collaboration with significant others in the cocoa industry including COCOBOD, the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana,
PAKKA Trade AG–Switzerland, Max Fechlin AG of Switzerland, SECO of Switzerland, GTZ, West African Fruits/Solidaridad, Chiefs, District Assemblies and communities of the designated enclaves in Ghana.
Such collaboration is a significant step, among other things, towards the generation and sharing of knowledge through practical experience, research, training and the motivation of smallholder farmers.
Our Special Collaboration with PAKKA TRADE AG
Being aware that organic and fair trade markets are not always readily accessible and many NGOs and farmer associations often lack the pre-requisite business skills to negotiate the various aspects of marketing, Yayra Glover Limited deemed it important to integrate marketing support into its organic
and chemical–residue free UTZ and fair trade development projects.
Consequently, we forged collaboration between us and PAKKA TRADE AG, a Swiss trading firm specialising in organic-and-fair- trade products mostly of tropical origins.
Our Partnership with PAKKA AG of Switzerland is a model fortified with financial and professional support and training.
The purpose is to take advantage of scale economies, improve bargaining and significantly reduce transaction costs ensuring a measure of equity for smallholder farmers. Ultimately, it is a market-oriented collaboration that takes full advantage of each partner's strength in fostering our mutual interest in promoting organic and chemical–residue free UTZ and fair trade cocoa production and marketing.